CoinEx Charity Puts Focus on Improving Children’s Education – Press Release Bitcoin News


PRESS RELEASE. CoinEx Charity has been putting its efforts into improving the educational opportunities for children living in poverty since last year. The Mercy’s Children’s Educational Wellness Program has provided over 20,000 kids with the resources they need to further their education and has received recognition from the Human Development Foundation (HDF) in Thailand. According to the report, CoinEx’s donations have been used to purchase school uniforms, shoes, and stationery, as well as to pay school fees.

HDF is an independent, non-denominational charity based in Klong Toey, the biggest slum community in Bangkok, Thailand. Mercy Center is a facility created by HDF to house 100 children, more than 20 of whom were born with HIV/AIDS. Since 2022, CoinEx Charity has been working with HDF to give these children the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty and the chance to gain skills and knowledge needed to get a well-paid job in the future.

This February marks the end of the academic year for these students and many will soon be graduating from school or moving onto the next grade. HDF’s report states that the students have been doing well, learning, thriving, and laughing throughout the year. After the close of the term, they will be returning home for the Songkran vacation.

HDF is grateful for CoinEx’s support. They have been instrumental in providing daily teaching materials for the children at Mercy Center. The Foundation for Human Development expressed their appreciation for CoinEx’s continued support that has enabled them to keep this valuable center open as a source of help and education for the entire community. They are thankful for CoinEx’s efforts in making a difference in the lives of so many children.

Consistent Educational and Social Welfare Efforts

CoinEx has demonstrated great commitment to charitable work in the past year. They have made a huge impact in many countries, even in the most remote and vulnerable areas of the world, such as Turkey, Syria, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Brazil, Nigeria, India, South Korea, Germany, Venezuela, and The Philippines. Through their educational programs and charitable donations, CoinEx has sent a message of compassion, love, and charity to those living in poverty.

Going forward, CoinEx Charity must remain true to its purpose and provide help for children in need through concrete actions that will enable them to succeed academically. With the help of charities and caring people all around the world, CoinEx Charity calls on individuals to come together and work towards providing a long-term educational life to poor children.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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