Devcon3 Videos Now Accessible | Ethereum Foundation


To provide a better understanding of the events that took place at Devcon3, we are pleased to announce that the DevconThree videos are now available for easy viewing.

As indicated earlier, recordings of all of the sessions from the main and breakout rooms were made during the four days of Devcon3. With two rooms to work with this year and the additional day of activities, it was possible to get the videos ready in half the time it took last year. The footage was also of higher quality, allowing our post-production team to be on site and speed up the process.

Check out the Devcon3 Videos on YouTube:

DAY 1 (November 1, 2017)

DAY 2 (November 2, 2017)

Day 3 (November 3, 2017)

Day 4 (November 4, 2017)

Organized by Topic for Simplicity:


This post serves as an update to the original. In Summary This is Devcon3.

We have worked hard to ensure the videos are accurate and up-to-date. If you have any information that needs to be updated please email us at with the subject line “Attention: Video Production”. Additionally, the official agenda from the event is listed in this document. Devcon3 Agenda Page.

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