Billy Markus, also known as “Shibetoshi Nakamoto” on Twitter, is the co-creator of the popular meme cryptocurrency, Dogecoin. Along with Jackson Palmer, he launched Dogecoin in 2013. Despite his involvement in the cryptocurrency world, Markus has expressed skepticism about crypto as a long-term investment.
In a recent tweet, Markus seemed to question the sanity of cryptocurrency holders. He shared a short video of a man pretending to jump off a balcony and consuming harmful substances, with the caption “what it feels like to hodl crypto.”
Markus has been vocal about his views on investing in cryptocurrency. Last year, he tweeted that it was “just investing in mental illness.” He also holds a small amount of Dogecoin and Bitcoin, and has stated that he dislikes all ERC-20 coins.
While Markus is still involved in the cryptocurrency community, he often reminds people that he left Dogecoin shortly after its launch in 2013. He has no plans to return to DOGE or create another cryptocurrency, citing negative reactions from the community.
In recent news, tech mogul Elon Musk, a big supporter of Dogecoin, hinted that Tesla may accept DOGE as a form of payment in the future. Musk has publicly stated that he prefers Dogecoin over Bitcoin as it is more accessible to average users. He sees Dogecoin as a “people’s currency.”