Ethereum Foundation Reorganizing Communications | Ethereum Foundation Blog


The foundation is in the process of reorganizing its communications activities. Several members of the current communications team are set to leave the organization or reduce their involvement soon. We wish them the best as they embark on their own for-profit ventures in the Ethereum ecosystem. We have both a need and a unique opportunity to “reboot” and look at the other side of the organisation and how it works. Ethereum Foundation interacts with the community.

Here are some of the steps that will be taken:

  • We will strive to decrease the use of Skype and increase Gitter as a way to communicate with developers in real time. Gitter chat rooms have two main advantages: (i) it’s quicker to get in and participate quickly and (ii) the conversations are publicly visible and accessible to everyone by default. Currently, the main active Gitter chat rooms are:

  • We will continue to move in the same direction with our initial directive of increasing permissiveness. This includes recent updates to our brand guidelines; and a strong emphasis on civility and common sense over strict rules. We are not following in the steps of /r/bitcoin’s themos. Discussions about EthereumXT (the closest equivalent we have is Extension) are not allowed to exceed your 10 times higher gasoline limit.
  • We will reduce the emphasis on the “ETH DEV” brand (with the exception of “DEVcon”) and focus attention on the future of Ethereum.

In the medium term, we are reviewing our internal strategy. This includes meetings, general community outreach and documentation about trademark policies. We will also provide information about protocol updates to all parties, as well as interact with the ever growing number of Ethereum developers outside of the foundation. We welcome input from the community on any of these topics.

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