Crypto News: Telegram is well known as a promoter of digital assets, and the company has recently been working to expand its presence in this sector. Users can find out more information about the following: Telegram’s wallet bot was updated today with a new feature allowing anyone to make purchases, withdrawals, exchanges and P2P transactions using Bitcoin.
Telegram Offers Bitcoin Support
According to the latest notification, users can now execute a variety of operations with Bitcoin via Telegram’s web interface, while an app-based update is currently in the works. This chat program now offers a range of services related to cryptocurrency.
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The notification also revealed that the platform’s “Exchange” feature has been revised to enable users to trade Bitcoin, Tether (USDT), and Telegram Open Network (TON) with each other instantly.
The official statement reads as follows:
Buy Bitcoin using a P2P marketplace or a credit card through the “Buy & Sell” section of our user-friendly interface
Telegram Pushes Crypto Adoption
In general, Telegram’s most recent move to launch peer-to-peer trading for Bitcoin and to expand the scope of cryptocurrencies is a big step forward in the company’s efforts to become a major player in the rapidly growing world of decentralized finance (DeFi).
It will be interesting to see how Telegram and other chat-based apps like WeChat and WhatsApp evolve and adapt to meet the changing needs & expectations of users around the world — as the popularity of cryptocurrencies continues to rise.
As a result of this crypto news, the value of Telegram’s TON token has grown by 0.45% in the last 1 hour compared to an increase of 2.27% recorded over the past 24 hours. At the time of writing, it is currently trading at $2.40.
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